A current senior at Stoughton High School, Simon Mehring embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity last spring: serving as a Senate Page in Washington, D.C. This prestigious program offers students the chance to experience firsthand the inner workings of the United States government. From the early morning hours to late-night floor sessions, Simon's journey was filled with both challenges and incredible rewards.
The Stoughton Area School District is excited to introduce new leadership at both Stoughton High School and River Bluff Middle School. With fresh faces taking on pivotal roles, the community is eagerly anticipating the positive changes and continued excellence these leaders will bring!
The Stoughton Area School District is delighted to announce that the Operational Referendum has passed successfully. This development represents a significant stride towards addressing the district's budget shortfall and ensuring essential resources are available to support the district's reading and math objectives.
Our Stoughton Area School District 4K program is featured on Channel 3000's Buzzed Into Madison! Host Emmy Fink visited our 4K sites and spent time with our students and teachers, learning more about the program. For all 4K information, head over to our 4K page, or contact Mindy Holverson at 608-877-5404.
The Stoughton community came together this past Thanksgiving morning to participate in the annual 'Gobble Wobble' 5K Run/Walk, raising an impressive $7,210 in funds for the Stoughton Area School District's "Chip in for Meals" fund.
Stoughton Area School District is proud to announce the exceptional performance of three students in the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) essay competitions. These talented individuals have demonstrated their outstanding skills and dedication, earning top honors at the district level and advancing to the state competition.