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The Board of Education recognizes volunteers make valuable contributions to the District’s schools and enhance learning opportunities for students.

Therefore, the Board encourages community members to volunteer in the Stoughton schools, subject to all applicable laws, district policies, regulations and safeguards and administrative guidelines.

The safety of all of our children is one of the top priorities of the Stoughton Area School District. That means all visitors must submit to a security check which will be performed by the building they are visiting. In addition, anyone interested in volunteering for day and overnight trips or driving students must submit to a full background check.

Please see scenarios below and review Policy 8120.00 Volunteers. For those wishing to be approved to drive students for school, please review Policy 8600.00 Transportation.

Forms should be submitted at least two weeks in advance to ensure processing time.

Background Check

A background check form MUST be completed, signed and submitted to Jenny McKenna in the Business office in the below scenarios.

  • Chaperoning day trips (i.e. Aldo Leopold)
  • Chaperoning overnight trips (i.e. Band or Choir)
  • Driving Students in school or personal owned vehicles
  • Coach volunteers


Forms may be submitted via:

  • Fax at (608) 877-5018
  • Dropped in the night drop box at the building
  • School office to be sent interoffice
  • Mail to 320 North Street

Driving Students

A verification driving form and a verification of fitness to drive form* MUST be completed, signed and submitted to Jenny McKenna in the Business Office when transporting students (other than your own) in a school or personal vehicle.

*Verification of Fitness to Drive forms need to be signed by your doctor. They may or may not require a physical. Please contact your clinic to find out what you need to do. Completed forms may be faxed to Jenny McKenna at (608) 877-5018.

Drivers and Personal Vehicles

Insurance documenting the following must be submitted to Jenny McKenna in the Business Office (fax: (608) 877-5018):

  • Name(s)
  • Coverage Dates
  • Coverage Amounts of:
  • $100,000 per person
  • $300,000 per accident
  • $100,000 property damage

Note: Your most current coverage must always be on file.