District Reopening Plan
Supporting Materials
- Phase 3 Reopening Plans for Grades 6-12 (slide deck)
- Phase 3 Reopening Plans for Grades K-5 (slide deck)
- Information on Phase 3
- Comprehensive Family Slide Deck for Semester One
- Grades 3-12 Proposed and Approved Reopening Plan for Semester Two (See our principals' presentation here)
Quick Links
- How to screen your child (Self-Screen Quick Sheet)
- Health & Safety Information
An Overview
On July 20, the Board of Education approved our back to school plan: a phased-in approach starting with virtual learning. A phased-in approach means we transition our students back into school buildings in phases. A phased-in approach means we simultaneously value safety and getting our students and staff back to school. It allows us to be flexible as the environment gets better or worsens.
We began the year with virtual learning for grades K-12 and are currently in a hybrid model., and plan to transition more students into our buildings.
Our phased-in approach means that the district does not support a drastic change for our staff and families, such as going from full virtual learning in K-12 to a full hybrid model. Instead, a phased-in approach looks more like:
Phase I
- Starting our 4K students in person or virtually (Began on Tuesday, September 1)
Phase II
- Starting our grades K-2 students in person or virtually (Began on Monday, November 16)
- Moving to adding our grades 3-5 in groups to reduce the amount of students in our buildings (Began on Monday, January 25)
- Then bringing in grades 6 and 9 in groups to allow these students to acclimate to their new buildings (Began on Monday, February 1)
- Then bringing in grades 7-8 and 10-12 in groups to reduce the amount of students in our buildings. (Began on Monday, February 8)
Phase III
Full In-Person Learning with a virtual option
- Our elementary families have the choice to attend school in person or virtually 5 days a week (Began on Monday, April 5)
- Middle and high school students have the choice to attend school in person or virtually 5 days a week (Began on Monday, April 19)
All students (4K-12) across the Stoughton Area School District may attend school 5 days a week in person or 5 days a week virtually.