Needs and Outcomes


One of the most significant challenges facing school districts like ours is the lack of predictable, sustainable funding. This funding supports the operational costs of our district, from teachers to maintenance to transporting students. While the recently approved state budget helped, our costs continue to significantly exceed the additional revenue we receive. Our focus will always be on ensuring students graduate with the best education possible, but, without additional funding, our District will need to start a significant budget reduction process beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. 

Looking ahead, SASD has a projected deficit of $3.8 million in the 2024-2025 school year with our budget forecast models showing significant projected budget deficits over the next five years.

  2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28

Projected Deficit

$3.8 million $4.3 million $4.9 million $5.5 million

This referendum also includes the opportunity to add additional staff to support students with reading and math achievement and mental health


The Operational Referendum 2023 on the April 2nd ballot bridges the gap between the District’s operational needs and the fact that state funding increases are not enough to keep up with rising costs. 

  • Avoid Budget Shortfalls
  • Maintain Programs, services, and ongoing improvement work
  • Additional staff to support students with reading and math achievement and mental health