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Operational Referendum 2024

Thank you!

We're thrilled to announce that our school district's operational referendum has passed! This is a win for our students, staff, and community. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our wonderful community for your support. Here's to investing in education and ensuring a brighter future.


Click here for the full SASD Press Release.




This April, the District is pursuing an operational referendum to:

  • Avoid Budget Shortfalls

  • Continue programs, services, and ongoing improvement work

  • Add additional staff to support students with reading and math achievement and mental health

Operational Referendum 2024 Informational Flyer

First page of the PDF file: OperationalReferendumFlyer_2024
First page of the PDF file: Page2OperationalReferendumFlyer_2024

Estimated Tax Impact

Cumulative Four Year Estimated Increase per $100,000 is $531.00.
Average Estimated Annual Increase per $100,000 is $133.00.

Stoughton Area School District Announces Operational Referendum on April 2, 2024 Ballot

On Monday, January 15, the Stoughton Area School District Board of Education officially included an Operational Referendum on the upcoming April 2, 2024 ballot. This referendum is a crucial step towards addressing the district's current budget shortfall and ensuring the availability of resources to support the district's efforts in achieving its reading and math goals.

Question: Four year, stepped-up recurring referendum for $4.3 million beginning in 2024-25 with an additional $600,000 for the next 3 years

  • Avoid budget shortfalls
  • Maintains programs, services, and ongoing improvement work
  • Additional staff to support students with reading and math achievement and mental health

Total of $6.1 million in 2027-28 and after

The Stoughton Area School District recognizes the importance of providing quality education to its students. However, budget constraints have presented significant challenges in maintaining the high standards of education that the district strives for. Through this Operational Referendum, the district aims to secure the necessary funding to bridge the budget gap and continue delivering exceptional education to its students.

Click here to view the SASD Press Release.

Stoughton Area School District Residents:
I want to express my sincere gratitude to all who participated in the fall survey. Your feedback has provided us with valuable insights addressing our operational needs.

I also want to take this opportunity to share an important announcement; last night the Stoughton Area School District Board of Education voted to include an Operational Referendum on the April 2, 2024 ballot. This referendum is a crucial step towards addressing our current budget shortfall and ensuring the availability of resources to support our day-to-day efforts in providing an excellent educational experience to our students.

The funds from an approved referendum will be allocated towards various initiatives, including hiring additional qualified staff to support students with reading and math achievement and mental health, implementing innovative educational programs, and providing necessary resources to enhance learning experiences. 

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to the Stoughton Area School District.


Dan Keyser
District Administrator