1st Grade Music

Veterans Day


This year, our school will celebrate Veterans Day in an all-school assembly on Friday, November 11 at 7:50 a.m. Our students will sing the Peace Round and the National Anthem and will observe two minutes of silence. Red, white, and blue clothing is encouraged on that day. Family members who have served or are serving our country are encouraged to attend (in uniform if possible) so we can honor your service! Click here for more information about this special day. Learn more about the Star-Spangled Banner by clicking here

1st & 2nd Grade Concert


Every year, each grade level showcases their learning in a concert by performing a handful of songs related to a theme we have been studying. This year's 1st and 2nd grade concert theme is still in the works. Check back later for more details! All Kegonsa concerts are free and open to the public. We look forward to seeing you there!

WSTO TV Recordings


IMPORTANT NOTICE: WSTO TV will be filming Kegonsa's 1st Grade through 5th Grade concerts and placing the footage on Charter Channel 98, Digital TV Channel 981, and their website. Families can even purchase a professional DVD of the concert from WSTO. However, if you marked "withhold all" or "withhold some" information on your child's school registration form, they will not be able to be filmed as the school district needs permission to have your child's image shown on TV. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Benson.