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SASD Wins Large Business of the Year 2022

SASD Wins Large Business of the Year 2022

The Stoughton Area School District received two awards at the Stoughton Chamber of Commerce's annual dinner: Large Business of the Year (SASD) and Lifetime Achievement Award (Former District Administrator Tim Onsager).


Stoughton, WI — Recognized for its leadership during the pandemic, the Stoughton Area School District wins two Chamber of Commerce awards at the Chamber’s Annual Dinner last Thursday. 

Stoughton Area School District was named the Large Business of the Year by the Stoughton Chamber of Commerce. Former District Administrator Dr. Tim Onsager, who retired in early February, was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award.            

The Chamber shared that:

“Stoughton Area School District staff, students and families have gone above and beyond during the COVID-19 pandemic to support the learning and wellbeing of this school community. During emergency virtual learning, the district delivered meals, provided internet hotspots and devices, and used a phased approach to reopen schools. This school year the district operates fully in person.”

About Dr. Onsager, the Chamber shared:

“Dr. Tim Onsager has served more than 30 years in education and over 11 years as District Administrator of the Stoughton Area School District. Onsager is passionate about meeting the needs of all students; supporting the next generation of educators and school staff; and maintaining strong, reliable relationships within the community. He is a proud Chamber member, also serving on the Board of Directors. While retired, he will remain a steadfast supporter of the Stoughton community.”

In a message to staff, interim District Administrator Kate Ahlgren said, “Congratulations to everyone! Each of you makes our district such a strong community partner.”

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