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Award-winning equitable multi-level system of supports at Kegonsa, Fox Prairie and Sandhill

Award-winning equitable multi-level system of supports at Kegonsa, Fox Prairie and Sandhill

The Wisconsin DPI and Wisconsin RtI Center have recognized our equitable, multi-level system of supports designed to increase the consistency of effective instruction while building staff knowledge and skills to support all learners. Congratulations to our three elementary schools!

All three SASD elementary schools were awarded a bronze medal for behavior from the Wisconsin RtI Center and the Department of Public Instruction!  The Wisconsin RtI Center is inspired by the hard work and dedication that schools and districts invest in their implementation of an equitable, multi-level system of supports.

Kegonsa, Fox Prairie and Sandhill Elementary schools were recognized for our work toward fully implementing a school-wide system that, according to national research, leads to improved student outcomes.

By establishing our equitable, multi-level system of supports, we increase consistency of effective instruction, build staff knowledge and skills to equitably support all learners, use data to proactively identify and provide support for students, and create a positive culture that nurtures relationships with students and their families, and communities. This strong foundation helps learners gain the skills needed to graduate ready for college or a career!

Read More about Award-winning equitable multi-level system of supports at Kegonsa, Fox Prairie and Sandhill