This past Thanksgiving, over 300 participants came together for the annual “Gobble Wobble” 5K Run/Walk, successfully raising an impressive $13,720 for the Stoughton Area School District’s “Chip In for Meals” fund!
The SHS German Department recently continued its annual tradition of visiting the Christkindlmarket in downtown Chicago. This authentic German Christmas market, located on Daley Plaza, has been a Chicago holiday staple since 1997, drawing inspiration from the renowned Nuremberg Christkindlesmarkt, which dates back to 1545.
The Stoughton Area School District Board of Education is thrilled to announce the 2024 Business Honor Roll recipients. These outstanding organizations have demonstrated exceptional support for our students and staff, earning them recognition at the state level by the Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB).
A current senior at Stoughton High School, Simon Mehring embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity last spring: serving as a Senate Page in Washington, D.C. This prestigious program offers students the chance to experience firsthand the inner workings of the United States government. From the early morning hours to late-night floor sessions, Simon's journey was filled with both challenges and incredible rewards.
The Stoughton Area School District is excited to introduce new leadership at both Stoughton High School and River Bluff Middle School. With fresh faces taking on pivotal roles, the community is eagerly anticipating the positive changes and continued excellence these leaders will bring!
The Stoughton Area School District is delighted to announce that the Operational Referendum has passed successfully. This development represents a significant stride towards addressing the district's budget shortfall and ensuring essential resources are available to support the district's reading and math objectives.
Our Stoughton Area School District 4K program is featured on Channel 3000's Buzzed Into Madison! Host Emmy Fink visited our 4K sites and spent time with our students and teachers, learning more about the program. For all 4K information, head over to our 4K page, or contact Mindy Holverson at 608-877-5404.
The Stoughton Area School District is pleased to announce that Jeremy Dunnihoo, a third-grade teacher and grade-level lead at Sandhill Elementary, has been awarded the VFW Wisconsin Elementary Teacher of the Year Award.
On Tuesday, January 30, the Stoughton Area School District welcomed more than 25 city, state, and federal representatives for a Legislative Day event. The event, led by building principals and District Administrator Dr. Dan Keyser, aimed to foster dialogue regarding the strengths and challenges faced by the education system.
The Stoughton community came together this past Thanksgiving morning to participate in the annual 'Gobble Wobble' 5K Run/Walk, raising an impressive $7,210 in funds for the Stoughton Area School District's "Chip in for Meals" fund.
Stoughton Area School District is proud to announce the exceptional performance of three students in the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) essay competitions. These talented individuals have demonstrated their outstanding skills and dedication, earning top honors at the district level and advancing to the state competition.
FabLab Stoughton, a pioneer in digital fabrication and education, is thrilled to announce its upcoming 10th Anniversary Celebration. Over the past ten years, FabLab Stoughton has been a trailblazer in the world of education, providing cutting-edge learning opportunities and serving as an inspiration for FabLabs across the
nation. This milestone event is a testament to the lab's dedication to fostering innovation and creativity, and everyone is invited to join in the festivities.
The Norse Star, Stoughton High School student newspaper, has won the prestigious Quill & Scroll award for the 2022-2023 academic year! This award recognizes excellence in journalism at the high school level.
The SASD Board of Education is proud to announce the recognition of Blue Moon Community Farm and Kicks Unlimited Stoughton for their outstanding contributions to the Stoughton Area School District. In addition, we are pleased to announce that both businesses have received the Wisconsin Association of School Boards' 2023 Business Honor Roll distinction.
Stoughton's VFW Post 328 has named Jennifer Kolberg, 8th Grade Social Studies teacher at River Bluff Middle School, Teacher of the Year. The award recognizes the top classroom teachers who teach citizenship education topics regularly and promote America's history and traditions effectively. Teachers who promote civic responsibility, flag etiquette, and patriotism are prime candidates for this award.
Emma Ballweg has been named a Semifinalist in the National Merit Scholarship competition. She qualified for the competition based on high SAT scores and her score placed her among the highest scorers in each of the 50 states, representing less than 1% of high school seniors.
Stoughton Area School District is a district that values and prioritizes the education of its students. One of the many ways that the district demonstrates this commitment is through its achievement on Advanced Placement exams. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, in partnership with the Wisconsin Advanced Placement Advisory Council, has recognized the district's high participation and success rates on these exams.
On April, 28 students from Fox Prairie Elementary competed in the semi-annual Noetic Learning Math
Contest. Noetic Learning Math Contest is a national mathematics contest for elementary and middle school
students. The goal of the competition is to encourage students' interest in math, to develop their
problem-solving skills, and to inspire them to excel in the STEM fields.
In April, 28 students from Fox Prairie Elementary competed in the semi-annual Noetic Learning Math
Contest. Noetic Learning Math Contest is a national mathematics contest for elementary and middle school
students. The goal of the competition is to encourage students' interest in math, to develop their
problem-solving skills, and to inspire them to excel in the STEM fields.
On Thanksgiving Day, Gobble Wobble 2022, a 5K run/walk fundraiser hosted by Level Up Fitness, brought out nearly 200 participants to support the Stoughton Area School District.
On Tuesday morning, SASD District Administrator Dr. Dan Keyser hosted a meeting of legislators, school board members, parents, and students. The meeting consisted of a half-day session touring Stoughton High School and Fox Prairie Elementary School, including classroom observations, and student and parent roundtables.
On Tuesday night, Stoughton community voters approved the two-question facilities referendum to authorize the Stoughton Area School District to address the most pressing long-term facilities needs.
The Make48 team was in Stoughton this past weekend to take over the Stoughton FabLab center for a 48-hour collaborative inventory and maker challenge!
The Make48 team was in Stoughton this past weekend to take over the Stoughton FabLab center for a 48-hour collaborative inventory and maker challenge!
Looking for 2022-23 school year information? Visit our back-to-school webpage!
Governor Tony Evers and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) announced that 21 school districts have been awarded a total of more than $508,000 in grants to establish or expand local fabrication laboratory (fab lab) facilities. Stoughton High School’s Fab Lab hosted the ceremony.
The Stoughton Area School District Board of Education is pleased to announce its selection of Dr. Daniel Keyser as its new District Administrator, starting in the 2022-23 school year.
On Monday, May 9, 2022, the Stoughton Area School District (SASD) and construction management firm CG Schmidt hosted a groundbreaking event to mark the start of the renovation project of Collins Field and the introduction of the new Anderson Complex.
In our continuous effort to recruit highly-qualified staff who reflect and support our diverse student population, SASD is proud to announce that we have partnered with
At the Stoughton Area School District, the safety of our students and staff is our highest priority. That’s why we emphasize emergency preparedness by practicing safety drills throughout the school year. Conducting safety drills not only allows us to become more prepared for emergency situations, but it also aligns with annual State of Wisconsin requirements.
Stoughton High School's Fab Lab was selected to host 2022's Make48 competition! The celebrated docuseries is once again bringing its 48-hour collaborative inventor and maker challenge to Madison after a successful run in 2021. The Fab Lab in Stoughton will host the event, scheduled for August 12-14, 2022. Team applications are open now nationwide.
Stoughton High School's Fab Lab was selected to host 2022's Make48 competition! The celebrated docuseries is once again bringing its 48-hour collaborative inventor and maker challenge to Madison after a successful run in 2021. The Fab Lab in Stoughton will host the event, scheduled for August 12-14, 2022. Team applications are open now nationwide.
Stoughton High School is fortunate to host the Badger Conference Art Show in the Performing Arts Center Gallery, April 4-23, 2022! On April 23, we will have an Open House, starting at 9:30 AM-noon, with Awards at 11 AM in the Performing Arts Center. Learn more here.
Congratulations to band students Morgan Luick and Jordyn Stein-Gaddy for representing River Bluff MS at the UW-Eau Claire Honor Band! They were 2 of 200 students selected from 35 different middle schools in Wisconsin and Minnesota. They rehearsed all day and put on a concert in just one day’s time! Bravo!
Congratulations to Stoughton High School on receiving the Regional Spirit of Excellence Award! The Spirit of Excellence is given to schools that demonstrate excellence in leadership development, sportsmanship initiatives, school spirit, and service to school and community.
The Technical Excellence Scholarship is a state-sponsored scholarship that is awarded each year to seniors across the state who have demonstrated excellence in the area of Career and Technical education.
Summer is an exciting time as students and families relax into a different rhythm. It can also be a time for your children to learn and explore new areas of interest.
The Board of Education has begun its search for our district's next leader. Please complete the 31 Qualities survey by 8 a.m. on Sunday, March 27 to help inform the Board of your goals and values for the district.
SHS head day custodian Steve Pope is one of four recipients of the 2021 Custodian/Maintenance Professional of the Year award. He was recognized during the 2022 Facilities Management Conference on February 15, 2022.
As the county mask mandate expires at 12:01 a.m. tomorrow, face coverings will be strongly recommended (not required) in all SASD school buildings, during school activities, AND on school buses for students and staff.
The Stoughton Area School District received two awards at the Stoughton Chamber of Commerce's annual dinner: Large Business of the Year (SASD) and Lifetime Achievement Award (Former District Administrator Tim Onsager).
Public Health Madison & Dane County’s mask mandate will expire at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, March 1 in light of steadily decreasing COVID-19 case rates and hospitalizations. The expiration prompts the question of what next steps make sense for our district.
We want our students to thrive in the best learning environment possible, with learning and belonging at the center. That’s why we continue to seek new opportunities to support education through facilities planning.
This group of administrators presented at the Wisconsin State Education Convention! Their session was called A District's Journey to Selecting and Implementing High-Quality Curriculum.
As we renew our focus on safety protocols, we want to inform you of an important update to our layered risk mitigation strategy. This update comes after close consultation with our district nurse and medical advisor, and after consideration of revised guidelines for schools from Public Health Madison Dane County (PHMDC), Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
In this ever-changing environment, we continue to review and revise our COVID-19 protocols as necessary. On December 27, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released updated isolation and quarantine guidelines that apply to K-12 schools.
Sandhill students and staff raised $2,305.44 for our annual Stuff the Stockings Fundraiser for the Stoughton Food Pantry. The Working For Kids parent group matched our total. Overall, we raised $4,605.44. Thank you Sandhill families for your support so that others can eat.
The Valhalla Singers had the honor of performing at the Stoughton High School Madrigal Concert. They did a great job singing loud and proud!
As planned, we will return from winter break on Monday, January 3, 2022 with in-person instruction. Remember that all students and staff are required to mask per Dane County’s newest order.
On Monday, December 20, Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC) issued face covering order #6 that requires face coverings through February 1, 2022. As a result, we have adjusted COVID-19 unwinding measures that we communicated to you before winter break.
The Stoughton Area School District Board of Education unanimously approved Dr. Kate Ahlgren as the interim District Administrator. Dr. Ahlgren has been the district’s Director of Curriculum & Instruction for three years.
It has been brought to our attention that there is a TikTok challenge circulating nationwide promoting school violence on Friday, December 17th. The original post appears to be part of a national TikTok trend and did not originate in our school district.
As we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, county mask mandates, and school COVID data, we continue in our efforts to “unwind” our mitigation strategies.
Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC)’s mask mandate is set to expire on January 3, the day we return from winter break. We do not know if the mandate will be extended.
Following are our next steps for SASD.
The Stoughton community purchased 171 books for our youngest learners that spark kindness, empathy and social equality and connect to our 4K curriculum. Thank you for support the SASD 4K program.
As a district, we are proud to say that we exceed expectations on the Department of Public Instruction report card for the 2020-21 school year!
We are always looking to improve the learning and belonging experience for students at the Stoughton Area School District and find ways to measure our growth.
Before the end of the calendar year, we’d like to reflect on some of the results of our growth and share those with you.
Our Early Childhood team won the Council for Exceptional Children: WI Division for Early Childhood Collaborative Team of the Year award!
This afternoon Public Health Madison & Dane County (PHMDC) announced an extension of its mask mandate through January 3, 2022. This means we have to make a few changes to the COVID-19 unwinding measures that we communicated to you yesterday evening and hoped to have in place in November, December and January.
Our goal remains: Consistent, in-person learning for all students.
On behalf of the Stoughton Area School District, we’d like to thank you for the support and grace you’ve shown us and each other for the past three school years.
Once again we ask for your continued collaboration, patience and support as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic together and begin to take steps to “unwind” our mitigation strategies.
Just in time for winter weather, our Transportation Team is excited to announce a new parent communication-based application called Stopfinder.
We are always looking for ways to improve the educational experience and academic outcomes for our students, as well as feelings of belonging for students and families. Beginning on Monday, October 18 we will be conducting a Fall Family Survey.
We offer free, fast and easy COVID testing in-district. Learn more about how and where to get tested on our COVID-19 Testing Program page.
At the Stoughton Area School District, the safety of our students and staff is our highest priority. That’s why we emphasize emergency preparedness by practicing safety drills and discussing emergency situations with students and staff throughout the school year.
SASD is excited to announce its partnership with Fitchburg Family Pharmacy to offer COVID-19 testing in our district. This is part of an initiative by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
More than ever the Stoughton Area School District and Board of Education are committed to equity, learning, and belonging for all students. I want to start the school year by emphasizing our equity work and introducing this year’s theme: Learning & Belonging.
On Wednesday we begin a fresh school year. This school year will be unique and impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic yet again. As public health research and guidance evolves, we make sure our district practices align.
Today we want to inform and remind you of what things look like this year:
Learn more about our mitigation strategies, testing, our data dashboard and more on our COVID-19 Health & Safety page.
We want to remind you of important back-to-school events starting this week. For more information, visit our Back to School webpage or our COVID-19 Health & Safety webpage.
On behalf of the Stoughton Area School District, we are excited for the start of the school year. We need your continued collaboration, patience and support as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic together.
Our work preparing for the new school year has been grounded in serving the needs of all of our students. A significant part of this work is revisiting and revising our COVID-19 Health & Safety practices.
We are quickly approaching back-to-school season and want to connect with you about a few items: online registration, which is now open and required of all families; general Back to School information on our new webpage; and transportation information.
The Wisconsin DPI and Wisconsin RtI Center have recognized our equitable, multi-level system of supports designed to increase the consistency of effective instruction while building staff knowledge and skills to support all learners. Congratulations to our three elementary schools!
We are pleased to announce that Robert (Bob) Johnson will be our principal at Sandhill Elementary School after serving as Sandhill’s interim principal for the past year. Read Mr. Johnson's bio here.
To help honor Black history and culture during Black History Month, every night we post a video of a student, staff member, community member or guest reading a book. Guests included City of Stoughton Mayor Tim Swadley, State Assembly Rep. LaKeshia Myers (D-Milwaukee) and state Attorney General Josh Kaul and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes.
Congratulations SHS on receiving the Regional Spirit of Excellence Award! The Spirit of Excellence is given to schools that demonstrate excellence in leadership development, sportsmanship initiatives, school spirit, and service to school and community. This is the Student Senate's third year in a row receiving this award!
Led by the Kegonsa Working for Kids group, staff, students and families are partnering with around a dozen community businesses and organizations to host used shoe drop-off locations. Read more in this Courier Hub article.
Monday, November 16 was the first day of in-person school for our grades K-2 In-Person Vikings. Read about the 'joyful hum' and first few weeks in this Courier Hub article.
The Stoughton High School LMC had its first curbside pickup during the first week of school. All five school libraries are offering curbside pickup or little free libraries in some form or fashion this year.
The Wisconsin Association of School Nurses awards committee is happy to announce that the 2020 recipient of the Kathyrn Etter School Nurse of the Year Award is SASD's district nurse, Laurel Gretebeck!
Congratulations to nine SASD students who have artwork featured in an online exhibition! The exhibit is part of the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art's Art on Tour program. Three artworks from the museum were on display at Sandhill and Fox Prairie during the 2019-2020 school year. The students responded to the art and created their own art that reflected the theme Web of Life: Nature in Art. The online exhibition will remain on view through the 2020-2021 school year.
On July 20, the SASD Board of Education adopted a racial equity resolution. Read the resolution here.
It’s official! Stoughton High School is a 2020 Best High School, based on rankings that U.S. News & World Report published this week. Go Vikings!
The Stoughton Vikings beat Mukwonago Indians 32-30 to secure their third consecutive state title on March 7, 2020.
For the Kegonsa Elementary and Working For Kids group, raising money to help students and staff is part of the game plan. And after gaining some recent acclaim on a downtown billboard for fundraising more than $12,000 for the library, they’re at it again next week – this time on the ice.
"During Kegonsa Elementary School’s STEM Night students experimented through 12 science stations". Click here for the article from the Stoughton Courier Hub
Congratulations to Stoughton High School senior Briana Skerpan for being named a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist.
From Unified News Group: "Teaching and modeling proper behavior in young children isn’t always easy for schools, but at Kegonsa Elementary School, the staff has been recognized by two state agencies for being among the best in Wisconsin"